AMAs you can’t afford to miss

In such online communities, you will often find a thing called AMA (Ask Me Anything), where great personalities are live for certain hours, available to answer as much as possible questions they can, around a topic. We listed for you some of the best communities with AMAs you shouldn’t miss if you are (or you want to be) a Growth Hacker!

There have been many times in my life that I needed a piece of advice or specialized knowledge for my work. Google is always a good idea, but even this way can’t be enough when it comes to growth hacking.

Yet, even if the answer you are looking for is not right there in front of your eyes, there are other options to get what you need, or even more than you had imagined!

Being a digital marketer and even more, being a Growth Hacker means that your job has no limits! Consequently, you have to be always up to date with the news around your niche, and at the same time being able to communicate with other marketers around the world.

Growth hacking is about sharing value, ideas, and knowledge, and this is not a personal statement. The proof is that all the real and successful creators, entrepreneurs, marketers etc., have invented ways to come together in online places and share their ideas, experience, fears, and questions.

In such online communities, you will often find a thing called AMA (Ask Me Anything), where great personalities are live for certain hours, available to answer as much as possible questions they can, around a topic.

We listed for you some of the best communities with AMAs you shouldn’t miss if you are (or you want to be) a Growth Hacker!

Founders and Creators

Easy to understand where this community is addressed… Founders and creators, as they describe themselves, is a member-only moderated slack community where world-class founders and marketers are pulled in for 60 minutes focused live discussions, once a week, to get help with growing their startups.

How to join

Joining Founders and Creators is not a simple process, as they are very careful with the members that are joining their community. So, in case you are interested to be one of the community members you have 2 options:

The first option is to pay for the Elite Membership to get a priority access. The fee is 29$ unless you get a discount. Upon purchase, your application will be reviewed within 24 hours and it will be either accepted or rejected.

In the second case, you will have 100% refund of the paid amount, whereas in the first case you get several benefits…

  • Participate in a weekly live chat with world-class founders and experts.
  • LinkedIn and Instagram engagement pod.
  • You get access to curated growth hacks on the answers forum.
  • You get significant discounts on events and conferences.
  • You also get discounts on tools, tech, and software.

The second option is to join for free the Founders and Creators waiting list, yet in this case, you’ll have to work hard to prove you worth being a member of the community.

Actually, the waiting list is based on a referral program where you need to invite your friends to join the Founders and Creators community and in general spread the word, in order to move up on the waiting list.

Each month, the community picks the number 1 on the leaderboard and the winner gets a lifetime Elite membership.

Growth Hackers Community

The Growth Hackers community was launched in 2013 by Sean Ellis, in order to help marketers or any other growth professional make the shift to agile growth organizations.

“Sean Ellis, founder, and CEO of GrowthHackers is a leading authority on growth hacking. He coined the term “Growth Hacking” to describe the process used by agile growth organizations.

He has been published in Forbes and the Wall Street Journal and is the author of Hacking Growth: How Today’s Fastest Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success, Crown Business April 2017.

He has directly led growth at Dropbox, LogMeIn, Lookout, and Eventbrite and has also provided coaching and workshops to some of the world’s fastest-growing companies.

Sean and his team at GrowthHackers built the world’s largest community of growth professionals, and provide services and software to help your transformation into an agile growth organization.”

Today, the Growth Hackers community counts hundreds of thousands of members and has been transformed into an inexhaustible source of information, discussion, and ideas around growth hacking. They also, organize quite often, AMA sessions with well-known growth hacking executives.

How to join

Joining Growth Hackers Community and participate in the upcoming AMAs, is a quite simple case. Just sign up for free to, following the steps, confirm your account and you are ready!

Maker Hunt

Well, we all know already enough about Product Hunt and we can’t help but relate it to Maker Hunt. And we would be wrong not to do it! Maybe some of you consider Maker Hunt to be a “wannabe” Product Hunt, but the fact is that Maker Hunt idea that grew straight from Product Hunt.

“Maker Hunt is an invite-only community for Product Hunt Makers to discuss post-Product Hunt life.”

To be more specific, the idea was first born in the mind of Eric Willis. Eric Willis, is an entrepreneur and also the #1 ranked Hunter on Product Hunt.

Having built a variety of tech products from the early age of 16 years old, many of them have been featured in Mashable, The Next Web, TechCrunch and other publications. After ranking on the top of Product Hunt, he came up with the idea of starting a community where “makers helping makers become better makers”.

That’s how Maker Hunt was created!

So, Maker Hunt is a knowledge sharing community on Slack, where makers from all around the world come to discuss their ideas, ask for advice, share their experience and knowledge and in general learn from each other, to help and get help for their businesses.

It’s like an ongoing AMA where you can ask anything and get answers from people who have already been in your shoes. In the meantime, there are organized AMAs that take place frequently.

How to join

As already said, Maker Hunt is an invite-only community based on Slack. So, if you want to participate, you have to be invited by another member. At the same time, the community is only addressed to makers who have ever launched at least one product on Product Hunt. is known as a news website, addressed to those who are looking what’s new with online marketing. To be more specific, works as a community where members post fresh and interesting news around digital marketing, discuss them and decide what is important or not.

Once you are a member of the community, you are able to submit your own content, participate in a discussion, ask anything you need or participate in an organized AMA.

How to join

Joining is not difficult. You can sign up either by email or with your Twitter account and then set up your public profile.

Yet, the moderators always keep an eye on suspicious profiles, so you have to be careful to avoid being expelled from the community. Even if you don’t have a fake profile, users who submit only self – promotional or spammy content, or spam in comments, may take bans and penalties.


Even if I don’t find it necessary to define what Reddit is, a quick and to the point definition sets Reddit as a “social news aggregator, web content rating, and discussion website”.

The members of Reddit can navigate into “subreddits”, which is nothing more than boards organized depending on the topic, so it’s easy for the user to find the topic of their interest.

The position of the average Reddit user is not passive. Registered members participate in discussions leaving their comments, or even open a new discussion around a topic, an idea, a question etc.

There is also the option to post your own stuff, from articles to photos, videos or whatever, and let the other members upvote or downvote it.

A big part of Reddit is about AMAs. There are always upcoming AMAs on the agenda, counting hundreds of great personalities who had been on a Reddit AMA. But the coolest thing about Reddit AMAs is that members have the option to submit or request an AMA.

How to join

Reddit will make your life easy when it comes to signing up. After submitting a valid username and password, you are done. Then the platform will suggest you some popular boards to make your first Reddit navigation easier!



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