Top 20 Social Media & PR Blogs

So here I am again, striking, this time, the cyberspace with the top 20 Social Media and PR blogs.If you thought that you could get rid of me easily with a couple of SEO articles you are so naive my little friend.

So here I am again, striking, this time, the cyberspace with the top 20 Social Media and PR blogs.

If you thought that you could get rid of me easily with a couple of SEO articles you are so naive my little friend.

The fact is that before we dive deeper into this subject, I would like to advise you on why it is so important to constantly read/follow blogs and influencers nowadays, especially if you are an active member of the marketing community.

To begin with if you are not reading on a regular basis already or follow a couple of blogs/bloggers, SHAME ON YOU!

It is essential for your professional growth to keep yourself updated with all the latest marketing trends.

The field is constantly evolving and in a matter of seconds, trends crawl out of the shadows and overthrow others you aced at and thought would be your key to success for a long time.

So, guess what, unless you start following the latest trends, you’re OUT!

You should keep yourself updated on a regular, if not daily, basis and just READ READ READ.

I will cover two very important fields, that have a crucial impact generally on the evolution of the marketing field, thus a bigger need to keep up to date with what the heck is going on.

The blogs will be divided into two equally numbered categories (10 PR & 10 Social Media) and the order in which they are put does not indicate their Ranking among the others.

Top 10 Social Media Blogs

#1 Socialmouths

Not a lot to say about this blog, the fact that Francisco Rozales started it speaks for itself.

We are talking about one of the Top 50 content marketers according to Cision. A really good pick if you are looking for a fresh perspective on Social Media matters.

In the blog you will also find other talented people elaborating on Social Media, but how about you get started and find out who they are for yourself?

#2 Razor Social

Razor Social is a really good pick if you want well curated and user-friendly content on the use of Social Media.

The epic Razor team offers a variety of articles revolving around various Social Media aspects like content marketing, advertising and my own PERSONAL NEMESIS, analytics.

Numbers, YIKES!

How to guides and top X lists are their kind of thing and as I have noticed they have a sweet tooth for Facebook.

So go for it! If you got the appetite for some serious Facebook action, you should definitely check them out.

Who said that? Ehmm….ok. Let’s continue with our social media blogs then.

#3 Convince and Convert

If the name of the blog hasn’t won you over yet, then you are a big liar.


I don’t even know why, but the aggressive tone of Convince & Convert won me over from the very first moment.

Just press the link and enjoy the magic.

#4 Sprout Social

Sprout Social is actually a really handy Social Media tool. The team behind it has grasped that nowadays you need to form a bond with your possible clients in order to increase your success chances.

So what we have here is actually insights that take the form of blog posts. The team provides people with Social Media counseling.

Guides,  Twitter-like feed chat’s and much more await you over at Sprout Social.

#5 The Social Media Hat

The Social Media Hat should be on your radar if it isn’t already. We are talking about some serious blogging here.

What I really appreciate is that almost all authors try to be as helpful as they can even when answering a very simple question.

Answers to hot Social Media topics and nice visual walkthroughs, what else could we ask for?

#6 Unmetric Blog

Moving on (takes deep breath)  we have this sneaky little fella. The reason behind that is pretty obvious and you can easily figure it out on your own by visiting the blog itself.

Unmetric Blog does not use any flashy visuals, stunning templates or other methods like that for that matter.

Pure social media advice and a couple of good graphs and you are ready to go!

#7 Buffer Social

Buffer Social, blog of the famous Social Media management tool Buffer, is one of the many one-stop websites this article will offer you when it comes to satisfying your social media curiosities.

As far as I am concerned, Buffer Social has than enough capacity to answer all your marketing problems.

In depth explanations, good visuals and lighting bold reaction to Social Media shifts are just some of the words that I would use to describe it.

This is depicted in the picture above. As soon as the Instagram logo and UI changes were set in motion, Buffer Social elaborated on how that kind of changes affect your users.

#8 Jenn’s Trends

I want to be honest with you. Jenn was a Social Media expert that I hadn’t heard of until after I started writing this article.

I did a bit of research to see if my list was close to what marketers were reading throughout the world and Jenn was in a lot of them.

Really interesting takes on Social Media and how they can become powerful tools for your business. Not to mention that her posts are really branded and she has her own distinctive tone when writing.

So hell yeah, Jenn if you are reading this, you just won another fan.

#9 Simply Measured

This is a blog that I really enjoy following regularly.

The fact is between me and you that I am a bit of a dummy sometimes (If anyone else finds out about this I am afraid I would have to kill you!)

The thing when it comes to Simply Measured is that in fact, we are talking about a lot of data and examples.

This makes it easy if someone is willing to invest the time, to understand whatever is presented to him.

#10 {Grow}

{Grow} is the perfect combination of Social media & Content marketing. As the previous one, I like the bold grow statement and blog title.

The blog tries to bring a spherical approach on many matters and always takes it a step further from social media, and give valuable info for other fields as well such as branding or sales.

Top 10 Public Relations Blogs

#1 SHIFT Communications

SHIFT Communications offer niche PR tips and tricks to ace at all your PR activities. PR professional or newbie, it does not matter because SHIFT Communications is here to satisfy all your needs.

Equal focus on soft as well hard skills. Guess who will be bringing out the heavy guns in his next sales pitch.

#2 PR Daily

PR Daily is another awesome blog when it comes to PR advice.  

And as I always say, you don’t necessarily have to be serious to do business. PR Daily has almost all its posts enriched with memes & gifs which are my kind of thing and that’s why I love it.

#3 Bulldog Reporter

How can you say no to a cute little…bulldog. Ehmm..actually forget about it.

Easy to navigate website and short, crispy writing is what you will be dealing with here.

Bulldog is not only about the news, though, as it has managed to build a whole community, something that is proven by columns like “Winning PR”.

PR success stories delivered and told from agencies themselves.

#4 Holmes Report

The whole Holmes thing is not just for show off, this is a big player in the field and you should definitely give them a read.

In short, what they do – and they do it well – is that they offer a more “corporate profile” type of articles around the big PR players.

So if you want to learn from the experts, look no further.

#5 Millenial Marketing

As a Millennial myself, I was pretty excited when I found out about this.

We are an integral part of the marketing community and we have risen into the key players of the entrepreneurial world nowadays.

A PR blog with a focus on Millennials had to make it into this list, so here we are.

#6 Meltwater

I heard you like to upload cool hipsterish pictures on Instagram and also go to hipsterish places with your hipster friends.

I officially have for you a hipsterish PR blog for your hipsterish collection.

I wrote hipsterish so many times, that this article might Rank first in google for that, lol!

Case studies and data are strong on this one, and that’s one of the reasons it has a place in this list.

#7 Flack Me

I adore blogs with bold and aggressive titles, that immediately intrigue you.

Flack me is definitely one them. A really good addition to your PR list.

(P.S. Oh God, just noticed the tunefruit advertisement, what else will they come up with these days /says in a grumpy grandpa voice)

#8 Spin Sucks

Spin sucks is quite unique if you ask me. The content is very nicely curated and original.

They usually use the entertainment industry to explain various PR phenomena, which I find magnificent. Professional, punchy and hella entertaining.

What are you waiting for, head over there.

#9 PR In your Pajamas

Sorry, but you should do as the Blog title says. For god’s sake just PR in your pajamas.

Just imagine nailing a meeting in your pajamas.

Ok, I’ll stop. A website with a spherical approach to the PR field and many many visually attractive infographics.

#10 O’Dwyer’s

The online version of the well established PR magazine.

O’Dwyer’s is around since 1968. Fun fact for many, but solid proof for others that we are talking about quality here.

At the end of the day

So that was pretty much it folks. I wish I had the time to carefully read all of the blogs above on regular basis, but I don’t.

That does not necessarily mean I don’t read as much as I can. Before going to bed and maybe with a glass of wine, that is when the perfect reading time strikes.

I am open to new suggestions, feedback and generally anything that will spark and interesting interaction so hit me up in the comments section below!

Until next time (AND THIS IS A THREAT) keep GrowthRocking!



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